Next week, the Danes are voting for the municipal and regional elections. And of course, right now, all the poles of Copenhagen are covered with election posters.
Among the clutter, some weird posters are hidden, and that caught my eye. That's why I went biking today to hunt for the most bizarre of them. And I didn't come back empty-handed.
Among the clutter, some weird posters are hidden, and that caught my eye. That's why I went biking today to hunt for the most bizarre of them. And I didn't come back empty-handed.
"enhed" means "unity"
But for the big nonsense matter, nobody does better than the Nihilistisk Folkeparti. It is a political party "just for fun", but which does exist for real. Their motto is "Det hele er alligevel ligegyldigt - Spild din stemme på os!" and that's means approximatively "Nothing matters anyway - Waste your vote for us!" I presume that their name is a parody of the extreme-right wing party, the Dansk Folkeparti.
Here is an anthology of their achievements:
Here is an anthology of their achievements:
Stop the grey brainwashing!"
except the cute little animals"
But I burst into laughter when I read the one on the right:
"Stop the church bell! - Fuck our salvation - we are hung over!"
"At have tømmermænd" is an expression which means "to be hung over". "Tømmer" is "timber" in my dictionary and "mænd" means "men". And to finish subtly, this is how must look like a "tømmermand ":
What do you think of all this? I personally find that they are quite fearless ... But I realize that I probably lack some cultural references to understand everything. And to be quite honest with you, I'm not really interested at all in Danish politics.
By the way, did you know that Denmark is one of the less corrupted countries in the world? (according to the NGO Transparency International, sources here)
By the way, did you know that Denmark is one of the less corrupted countries in the world? (according to the NGO Transparency International, sources here)